Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's love gotta do with it?

Professer Dr Bracken was known for his elaborate object lessons, so the students weren't taken bu surprised when they entered the classroom and saw a huge target on the front wall. Trisha knew something was up, however, when she noticed several darts placed carefully on a nearby table. She took her seat and listened to instructions given out. 'Take out a sheet of paper and draw a sketch of someone you dislike; someone wjo has hurst you; someone who has angered you. When you're finished, I'll post each picture  on the target and allow you to throw darts at the person's picture.' Tony drew a pictire of his dad, who had struggeled with alcohol and left the family when Toby was young. Emily drew a pictire of a girl who had stolen her biyfriend. Darren drew a picture of his brother. Trisha drew a pictire of her ex-friend who had her deeply. She tried to make him as ugly as she could. The students posted their pictures on the huge target and one by one they started throwing darts. Some threw with such force that their targets  began ripping apart. Trisha could not wait for her turn and her anger grew each minute. 'Okay class, return to your seats. This exercise took longer than I expected,' said Dr Bracken. Trisha sat in anger beacuse she did not get to throw a dart. As she quietly fumed, Dr Braken began removing the target from the wall. Trisha gasped. Underneath the target was a picture of Jesus. Silence fell over the room as each stident viewed the mangled picture of Jesus. Holes and jagged marks covered his face and His eyes were pierced.

Relating verses:
Matthew 5:43-45, Luke 6:27-36, John 15:12-17

* When we harbour bitterness against someone else, our intimacy with Christ is deeply affected.

1 comment:

  1. I like this story Elle.. very well written.. So the more angry you are the more "Holes" u create on the picture isnt it?
